The Progressive Business Exchange features speakers at all of its meetings. This year, 2024, we are featuring presentations from a land issue measure, Davis educational tax initiative, Davis Uman Sister City, Pine Tree Gardens, City and County candidates running for office, and the League of Women Voters.
The Progressive Business Exchange provides a network for a diversified group of business people to enhance their marketing efforts and achieve higher sales through the growth and maintenance of professional relationships. In 2008 over $80,000 passed between members in business transactions and commissions. In 2009 over $88,000 passed between members. In 2010 over $232,000 passed between our members. In 2012 over $122,000 passed between our members. In 2011 over $823,000 passed between our members. In 2013 1.355 million dollars passed between our members in referred business. In 2014 a little over 2.000 million dollars passed between our members in referred business. In 2015 387,600 dollars passed between our members in referred business. In 2016 1,128,061 dollars passed between our members in referred business. In 2017 221,155 dollars passed between our members in referred business. In 2018 242,903 dollars passed between our members in referred business. In 2019 332,654.75 dollars passed between our members in referred business. In 2020 323,052.38 dollars passed betwen our members. In 2021 129,725.25 dollars passed between our members in referred business.
 We are all about referring business and revenue streams and getting our member names in front of the community of Davis. To this end, the Progressive Business Exchange sponsors Social/Mixer/Business Faires each year.
We seek to provide a forum of local business professionals to promote each other in a non-threatening environment free from cumbersome restrictions and unnecessary fees commonly found in other marketing groups. The Progressive Business Exchange is a proactive group that works together to promote and expand their marketing efforts on a voluntary basis as well as make a difference in the community through public service contributions.
Each business category is represented by one member and conflicts of interest are not allowed. Each member is carefully selected and must maintain high business standards. Our members must be dynamic, public spirited people who are willing to commit time and effort through networking to help their fellow members succeed. In addition, we have developed a web page to promote our members.
What Happens at Our Meetings:
The Progressive Business Exchange meetings are structured and conducted professionally. All meetings start on time. The more the members learn about each other the easier it is to pass referrals to one another. The meetings are designed so that all members learn about each other's business. Members give a commercial about their business at each meeting. Guests are given two opportunities to introduce themselves to the group before being considered for membership. Members exchange valuable business referrals, and they have the opportunity to identify their business and product/service at every meeting. Your Progressive Business Exchange associates become your sales force out in the field... selling for you and promoting your business.
The Progressive Business Exchange by-laws require that members not miss 3 meetings in a row. This business exchange does not work if fellow members do not know what your business or organization can do for them or what they are all about. Without that knowledge, they cannot refer business to you, hence the meeting attendance requirement.
Our Sponsoring Members are vital to keeping this organization healthy. To be a sponsoring member, the dues are $120 per quarter. Without our Sponsoring Members, our lunch group would not be the healthy organization that it is. Sustaining Members are people that cannot make every lunch and they pay $60 plus $15/lunch that they attend. We have a new member category, Affilliate Members. Affilliate Members are people that cannot make the meetings on a regular basis, but want to participate in our on-line referral directory and other promotional activities. The cost of Affilliate Membership is $50/year, plus $15/lunch, if they attend.
Sponsoring members for 2024, that currently belong to the PBE are:
Visit our Directory to see all of our members, including all of the sustaining members.